the kalachakra mandala – – diagram, blueprint, framework

the hierarchical syntax of a yantra is everything but an accident. it conveys a universal pattern of the totality of existence- it synthesizes the inner and outer worlds… the psychic and the cosmic… the macrocosm and the microcosm.
i’m meditating more and more on the Kalachakra mandala, the diagram/blueprint of the palace of the buddha. a symbol of the wheel of time, of the cyclic nature of life. the abode of 722 dieties. a bridge connecting all life which is contracting and expanding from the bindu, the infinite center- a reservoir of collective energy from which everything issues and into which everything returns.
a yantra is a mandala is a diagram
a yantra is an instrument of and an aid to meditative discipline. it is a tool for meditation, for understanding, and increases awareness. an instructional diagram of the spiritual aspects of human experience. the diagram corresponds to the states of human consciousness. it’s forms act together as emblems of power-form-and function and guide the viewer/creator on his spiritual journey.
yantras and mandalas appear again and again throughout many varying cultures and across many different times. they are “primordial imprints of consciousness” ( Madhu Khanna)- shapes of conception and are the heritage of mankind, the ever-present blueprint for humanity and the cosmic. the christian labyrinth. native american dreamcatchers, medicine wheels, and sacred hoops. the aztec calendar. the celtic cross. the ashanti mandalas.
the image above is progress on a 5′ x 4′ painting. i am using acrylic paint, spray paint, sumi-e ink and india ink.
some notes/sketches about the kalachakra mandala